Survive Law

May 19, 20143 min

Daily Motivation for Law Students

Law school is a busy place and staying motivated can be hard at times. But whether it’s a bad mark, a rejection letter, a struggle to find an area of interest, or a loss of interest, there are plenty of little things you can do each day to stay on top of things and rediscover your motivation

Have Small and Achievable Goals


The sense of achievement you get from reaching a goal will encourage you to keep going. Sometimes I find it’s about gaining momentum, so start with something small to get the ball rolling and slowly build up from there. A great technique is to start each day with a list of two things you must do to propel your bigger goals forward.

Don’t Lose Sight of your Big Goals


Writing down your goals may sound silly when you know what they are, but it can be really effective. Doing it often takes it to the next level and also helps you to define goals. I recommend doing this every week. It helps keep the goals fresh in your mind and allows you to continuously recommit to them.

Also, doing something towards your goals every single day will help build momentum so that eventually progress becomes a habit.

Keep a To Do List and Measure your Progress


It’s not very motivating (or effective) to blindly work without knowing whether you’re on target. As you complete a task, cross it off a list. This is a great way for you to monitor your progress, keep on track and stay motivated.

Carry a Notebook


Inspiration can strike at anytime, and it usually doesn’t kick in when we need it most! Capture ideas when they arise by having a notebook and pen on you. When you're struggling for motivation you'll have something to fall back on, or at the very least a place to begin.

The Five-Minute Rule


Sluggish morning? Finding it hard to get going? Use the five-minute rule to get motivated. This rule requires you to do something, anything, that you can complete in five minutes or less. For example, responding to an email, organising a catch up, or scheduling appointments. The fact that you will have completed at least one task will put you in a completely different mood from when you first thought about your to do list for the day. This is particularly helpful when the coffee/tea has not quite kicked in yet.

Find Quotes that Inspire You


Inspirational and motivational quotes can really boost your mood. Find some quotes that inspire you and jot them down so that you can return to them the next time you struggle to get motivated.

Reward and Repeat


Let's be honest, results do not come soon enough. To overcome this annoying fact of life, reward yourself. Life sure isn't going to do it for you, well not instantly anyway, so you might as well. Rewards don’t have to be big or incredibly expensive. They just need to be enough to get you motivated.

Have Interests That Have Nothing To Do With Law


Everyone needs a break, and feeling inspired by other areas of your life can help you to find the motivation you need for your studies. Bring new insight and inspiration into your life by taking up a sport, volunteering, or learning a new skill.

Talk to Someone when you’re Feeling Stressed or Overwhelmed


If you begin to struggle with motivation, don’t hesitate to talk to someone. Find a mentor, colleague or friend and grab a coffee. They will see the situation from a different perspective, and you can bounce ideas and concerns off them, and you’ll usually feel much better afterwards.

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