Survive Law

Sep 24, 20111 min

How to Spot a Law Student Zombie

We’re now in the assessment twilight zone – that rapidly diminishing period of time between mid-semester assignments and final exams – and that can only mean one thing: the law student zombies are coming.

It’s not that difficult to spot a law student zombie. You’ll see them shuffling aimlessly around campus, totally unenthused about the remaining month of learning ahead of them. From time to time you will even see groups of law student zombies standing together but not socialising – approach with care.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to communicate with a law student zombie. Behind those blank eyes, the happy uni student you once knew is no more. If you attempt conversation, you can expect a few unintelligible grunts and groans before they try to pick your brain about constructive trusts.

As the law student zombie never sleeps, their family and friends live in a state of constant terror. And yes, they are hungry for more brains so that they can finally get their head around their equity and trusts readings.

Are you ready for the law school zombie apocalypse?

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