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Head Editor
Apr 23, 20195 min read
I want your job: Q&A with Anjori Mitra, barrister and LLM candidate
Anjori Mitra is currently studying towards an LLM at Columbia University and prior, worked as a junior barrister in New Zealand for four yea
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Survive Law
Apr 17, 20192 min read
Clerkships Index 2019/2020
With clerkship season looming, Survive Law has put together a quick index to help you plan ahead for what firms you're thinking about ap
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Survive Law
Jul 14, 20183 min read
The Virtues and Vices of LinkedIn
It seems as if everyone around you has a LinkedIn profile, and in your eagerness to get a job, you’re considering getting one too. From one
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Survive Law
Jul 5, 20183 min read
Clerkships: The Case Against the Scattergun Approach
Some people like to play it safe - they just want a clerkship, no matter the firm. Others are more picky and have a list of certain firms th
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Survive Law
May 24, 20185 min read
'Victorian Clerkship Basics' Series #4: Interviews and the Clerkship Process
I’ve applied, interviewed and have been selected: now what?
You’ve gone through the gruelling selection process and you’re one of the lucky
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Survive Law
May 17, 20183 min read
'Victorian Clerkship Basics' Series #3: Cover Letters and Short Answers
Survive Law is partnering with Stefani Janson, the founder of Navigator, an informative space to help young professional women in Australia,
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Survive Law
May 9, 20187 min read
'Victorian Clerkship Basics' Series #2: Building a CV
Drafting a CV can be a very daunting experience. But, updating your CV is like hitting the gym: the more frequently you engage with it, th
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Survive Law
May 2, 20184 min read
'Victorian Clerkship Basics' Series #1: Preparing and Planning
Clerkships are a huge process. In August each year, Victorian penultimate and final year law students scurry to submit clerkship application
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Survive Law
Sep 14, 20175 min read
Why You Should Get a Law Mentor, Stat!
A great mentor is like a 7 in one multicooker – they can act as a career advisor, study assistant, networking coach, opportunity creator, pr
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Survive Law
Mar 7, 20173 min read
Checklist for writing a professional email
Writing your first professional email can be daunting. It's a delicate balance between professionalism, politeness and - last but not le
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Raychel Plath
Feb 21, 20173 min read
The Politics of Workwear
As someone who is employed in a corporate office environment, my biggest bug-bear is trying to find pants (with pockets), that fit my ever-f
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Survive Law
Feb 1, 20172 min read
Perspective: Working In-House
(The answer is no) During my time at law school, the firm environment was the career path predominantly discussed. Paralegal roles, clerkshi
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Survive Law
Aug 22, 20163 min read
PLT in Cambodia
Uninspired by your PLT prospects? What if I told you you could complete your work experience component in Cambodia? Read on for Chloe's
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Survive Law
Aug 11, 20163 min read
KWM spills secrets to clerkship success
The clerkship application period is a special hell reserved for all penultimate students that dare to dream of a career in big-time commerci
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Survive Law
Aug 11, 20162 min read
I want your job: Q & A with corporate counsel at Stan
Emma German is a USyd law grad and in-house whiz as Corporate Legal Counsel for Stan. She spoke to Survive Law about how to build your legal
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Survive Law
Aug 1, 20163 min read
5 Law Firm Insights to Read This Week
Once in a blue moon you log onto your LinkedIn, have a look at who's stalked you, add a few friends and mostly ignore your news feed...
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Survive Law
Jul 6, 20162 min read
What job ads say vs What they mean
1. Mail/courier management, You’ll be the one printing off all the incoming correspondence, or sorting the outgoing correspondence into enve
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Survive Law
Jun 22, 20162 min read
I don't want to be a conventional lawyer
“I’m Leanne, and I’m in my second last semester.” I announced to my first Property and Securities tutorial just a few weeks ago… “When I gra
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Survive Law
Jun 1, 20162 min read
5 Ted talks to up your interview game
I'm sure you've got plenty a link to Ted talks in the text-thread with your mother because she's just discovered Youtube and she
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Survive Law
May 31, 20162 min read
Sydney Clerkship Masterlist 2016/17
Clerkship season has arrived in NSW! This handy guide has been put together to shed some light on the clerkship process and to help you to f
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