Survive Law's Jess Awad dishes the dirt on LexisNexis' take on Workplace Bullying.
For those of you interested in gaining a broader understanding of workplace bullying, then this is the perfect addition to your library. It takes into account both the legal and psychological aspects of workplace bullying, giving you a broad sense of what constitutes bullying (and what doesn’t) and how it effects both the individual and the workplace.
It also outlines the process of dealing with a bullying claim, with a comprehensive explanation of the process. All in all, this book is a must read for everybody, whether you are an employee or a boss – you never know whether the culture at your new workplace is going to suit you 100% and it’s handy information to have so that you can deal with it effectively.
Following a general explanation of what does and doesn’t constitute workplace bullying, the book then goes through the legal risks and applicable legislation. For example, it takes about the Fair Work Act 1999 (Cth) and workers compensation. It then goes into how bullying can arise and what stops people from recognising it. Factors include unconscious bias, personality-type and attitudes. It then launches into the psychological impact of bullying and the different ways it arises, reminding you that an employer has a duty of care to all staff to be on the lookout and prevent this behaviour.
It then has a comprehensive section what can possess people to become a bully, with excellent strategies for dealing with bullying personalities. This leads into the discussion about how bullying plays out and how it affects people in a broader organisational context. That is, the ways in which bullying can surface in a workplace so that you know the signs. Further, it provides a hefty discussion on how you can prevent this type of behaviour from occurring in the first place, including recruitment methods and risk management.
When it comes to managing a claim for bullying (if you are the boss), then there is a handy guide as to how to manage it, including investigation, evidence, stress leave, and so on. There are also some tips on how to intervene if bullying is taking place and the role Fair Work Commission plays. Finally, there are a bunch of useful resources to help you understand the types of documents, websites and help that is available if bullying has arisen. This book is really all you need to get your knowledge of workplace bullying up to scratch so that you never have an issue, whatever stage it may be at.
To grab your copy now, head over to LexisNexis' online store and snap it up for $110.00 AUD.
Our thanks to the crack team at LexisNexis for providing Survive Law with a copy of the book.
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