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The Three Golden Exam Rules

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Exams are almost upon us. A few weeks ago, fresh faced and with new stationery, we marched to our respective law libraries to begin another round of coffee, reading and sleeplessness. In my four years as a law-sufferer, I have discovered the three golden rules of exam time…

1. The Past Exam Rule

The humble law student shall not discuss past exams. The moment your pen is down there is nothing else you can do to pass the subject; it is in the hands of the law gods now. It doesn’t help to talk about the legal issues once you’ve left the exam hall, nor is your post-exam analysis any indication that you are correct. You’re just going to stress yourself out.

2. The Future Exam Rule

Law students shall not freak fellow law nerds out by discussing future exams on the morning of another exam. This is an important one. Take it one step at a time. You are stressing everyone out by talking about next Monday’s property exam on the morning of equity. If you have done your work for the semester and planned your time wisely you can take a breath, clear your head and focus on the task ahead. There is no point in getting ahead of yourself and freaking yourself out.

3. The Exam Marks Rule

A law student mustn’t brag, make excuses or publically boast about exact percentages or grades. It’s great to be proud, but don’t be a bragger. Chances are, someone is mourning a pass mark while you celebrate your high distinction. Put the ego away, Tiger. A simple ‘I did well’ will suffice.

There you have it, my three golden rules for exams, perfected over four years of torture and watching law students terrify each other. Try this method: leave an exam, go to the uni bar or other social activity and laugh your stress away. You, and everyone around you, will be glad you did.

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