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2017 Diaries for Every Type of Law Student

2017 Planner

If you're a real law student then you probably have feelings about stationary that the non-law student might find concerning. Don't listen to them, they don't have their priorities straight. Normally, stationery purchases are simple: Buy. It. All. But when it comes to annual planners, that approach simply won't do. The sheer commitment involved makes me sweat. A year. A whole year. That's two semesters (for most of us) and one if not two employers #milennials.

Here at Survive Law we're always looking to make your life easier. So we've put together a short-list to help you pick out not just the right 2017 planner but the right 2017 planner for the type of law student you are.

The Conservative


You probably have a monogrammed leather compendium and a slick Mont Blanc pen you whip out at any opportune moment. You're not traditional, you just like structure and you're not messing around with coloured pens and pink post-its thankyouverymuch. The Moleskin week-to-page is for you. It'll fit straight into that compendium of yours and will look fantastically mature stacked on top of your Macbook while you sip ristrettos and pretend to read the news between lectures.

The Radical


source // verso books

Ok, ok, you're not a radical per se. You're just one of the earnest few that held on to the dream of studying law to fight for the little guy. You know better than anyone else that knowledge is power, that's why you're at uni after all. But unless you're particularly lucky or enrolled in an Arts Degree at the appropriately liberal uni then there's little talk of #blacklivesmatter or the Russian Revolution. This diary gets you over that particular hurdle. In the margins of every page are stories of international history and politics to keep that radical spirit in you alive and inspired.

The Non-Planner

Weekly Planner

source // kmart

Look, you could have a diary going from day to day or week to week but chances are that you'd either lose the damn thing or let it soak up water bottle leaks at the bottom of your bag until the end of the year. You're better suited to short-term sporadic planning. Stick this adhesive chalkboard on the wall next to your desk or on the bathroom mirror to remember what you've got coming for the week ahead - tinder dates, dentists' appointments, (god forbid) exams. It's the kind of planner you won't feel guilty leaving empty now and again.

The Creative Procrastinator

Studies Journal

source //@jess_studies

There's one in all of us but some of us are definitely worse than others. The Creative Procrastinator doesn't like buying stationery, they love it. They don't write a diary, they journal. And nowadays, they don't journal, they bullet journal. This type of planner requires nothing but a blank notebook, the right pens and texters, washi tape and enthusiasm. Gone are the days of colour-coded post-it notes - take your colour coding to the next level with colourful headings and matching patterned washi tape.

Here's how we prepared earlier for my work for Survive Law:

Survive Law Bullet Journal

The Go-Getter

MiGoals cover and inside

source // migoals

Finally, the go-getter. This is for that law student that has more projects on the side than you can possibly keep track of. They're working on their own start-up while they freelance for their mate's cousin's girlfriend's project providing free wi-fi to the homeless possums of the Gundegai's south (or something, you stopped listening). The MiGoals planner is chock full of inspiring quotes to keep that ambitious energy and productivity up. It has built-in tools to help track productivity throughout the year and also set goals for the future. The only thing it's missing is a wall-sized vision board - but tbh that go-getter already has one anyway.

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